Josh groban bio biography book

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    Josh Groban Biography

    February 27, 1981 Los Angeles, California


    Groban, Josh.

    AP/Wide World Photos. Reporoduced by permission.

    Josh Groban is not a typical twenty-something pop singer, and record store owners have had a tough time deciding just what bin to put his CDs in.

    Josh groban bio biography book

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  • Many of his songs are contemporary romantic ballads, but Groban, who is classically trained, also performs opera and sings classical songs in Italian, Spanish, and French. Regardless of the fact that he defies classification, Groban's fans number in the millions, and they have no problem locating or buying his music.

    Since bursting on the scene with his debut album in 2002, the gangly Groban has become a music phenomenon. He was the best-selling new male artist of 2002, and since then he has toured the world, performing to record-breaking crowds of all ages.

    A unique voice

    Joshua Winslow Groban was born February 27, 1981, in Los Angeles, California. According t