Pitu guli biography books

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  • Pitu guli biography books

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    Guli, Pitu (Krusevo, 1865 – Mechkin Kamen, 13. ⅷ 1903) – Revolutionary, Duke of TMORO (Vlach origin). For some time he stayed as a priced in Sofia, where he crossed in Macedonia (1885).

    After its breakdown by Demir Kapija, he was captured and judged in Thessaloniki, after which he served seven years of Robia in Diyarbakir (Asia Minor).

    Biography books for 4th graders

    After returning to Krushevo (1894), he joined TMORO. Later, he went to a migration in Bulgaria, where he returned with a small company in Krushevo (March 1903). He was a member of the Krushevo Reonity Headquarters and the liberation of the city commanded a large rebellious detachment in the fighting for winning the Ottoman barracks.

    After the Ottoman counterattack refused to withdraw with the principal of the rebellion forces and his rebels deployed them to Mechkin Kamen, defending Krushevo, where her heroic died. OPE-An is in numerous folk songs. Lit.: Macedonian Revolutionary People’s Songs for Goce Delchev, Jordan Pepper and