David degraw occupy wall street

  • David degraw occupy wall street
  • David degraw occupy wall street

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  • David degraw occupy wall street wiki
  • Occupy wall street today!

    This post is part of our special coverage #Occupy Worldwide.

    David DeGraw, one of the early participants of the 99% movement has explained about the birth and development of the Occupy Wall Street protest in a one year anniversary video (the first interview he has given in six months).

    Interviewed by Cenk Uygur for the TV program ‘The Young Turks’, he touches on the emergence of the movement, the organization's pitfalls, how hard it was to unify such a diverse group people, the expectations to have him become a spokesperson of a leaderless organization, and also the triumphs of the movement.

    As quoted by AmpedStatus.org, the 99% media outlet was what opened a new generation's eyes to see that they could make a change:

    This is about empowering a new generation to be leaders, to be engaged.

    […] We have millions of people engaged in creating change that were not engaged and creating change a year ago. […] Occupy globally is the big bang of h