Bernie dancel complaint department

  • Bernie dancel complaint department
  • Bernie dancel complaint department new york...

    As detailed in a Cheap Seats column in July, Bernie Dancel is more than an assistant coach for Good Counsel.

    Dancel also donates a whole lot of money to the program, for facilities (Good Counsel plays at Dancel Field) and scholarships for students who happen to play for the powerhouse team.

    But it looks like Dancel, who also has given millions of dollars to build rec centers and hospital wings and assorted other non-football causes in Howard County, will have a little less pocket change to throw Good Counsel&#;s way.

    Yesterday, Tom Corbett, the attorney general for Pennsylvania announced that his state had joined 19 others and the District of Columbia in a $ million consumer protection settlement with AscendOne, a Columbia, Md.-based financial services company Dancel owns.

    In announcing the deal, Corbett said Dancel&#;s firm &#;allegedly misled consumers into thinking the debt management services were actually being performed by non-profit credit counseling agencies.&#;