Biography of charles dickens gradesaver huckleberry

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    Charles Dickens | Biography

    Author of A Christmas Carol

    Charles Dickens was a British author known for his novels like A Christmas Carol and Great Expectations.

    Biography of charles dickens gradesaver huckleberry

  • Biography of charles dickens gradesaver huckleberry finn
  • Biography of charles dickens summary
  • Charles dickens' most famous works
  • Biography of charles dickens in 200 words
  • Born in 1812, he faced a challenging childhood yet became a significant voice for the poor and working class in his society.

    Who is Charles Dickens?

    Charles Dickens was a prominent British author, journalist, and social commentator, known for his vivid storytelling and vibrant characters.

    Born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, England, Dickens faced a challenging upbringing filled with poverty and hardship, experiences that deeply influenced his writing. He is celebrated for his classics such as "Oliver Twist," "A Christmas Carol," and "Great Expectations," which were initially serialized in periodicals, capturing the interest of a wide readership.

    Through his works, Dickens aimed to highlight social inequalities and the struggles of the poor during the Victorian era, advocating for reforms tha