Dr dave rosgen biography
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Rosgen, Dave
Born c. Education: Ph.D.
Dr dave rosgen biography
in fluvial geomorphology.
Addresses:Office—Wildland Hydrology, N. County Rd. 19, Fort Collins, CO Website—
Joined U.S. Forest Service, s; left Forest Service, ; started Wildland Hydrology Consultants, c.
; published paper in Catena, ; published book, Applied River Morphology,
Awards: Outstanding Achievement Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ; Leopold Conservation Award from the Federation of Fly Fishers,
If you have ever seen a stream confined in a man-made channel, or walked along a river and discovered a crazy quilt of concrete lining the bank, you can understand why Dave Rosgen and his ideas are so popular.
He has become the leading figure in the science of restoring rivers. "People think we have natural, stable rivers all over the place," he told writer Jessica Snyder Sachs of National Wildlife. "In fact, we've altered most of them in one way or another." Rosgen's