Ariyapariyesana sutta bhikkhu bodhi the connected
Ariyapariyesana sutta bhikkhu bodhi the connected
Bhikkhu bodhi books...
Translator's Introduction
I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying at Savatthi, in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery. Then early in the morning, having put on his robes and carrying his bowl & outer robe, he went into Savatthi for alms.
Then a large number of monks went to Ven. Ananda and said, "It has been a long time, friend Ananda, since we have heard a Dhamma talk in the Blessed One's presence. It would be good if we could get to hear a Dhamma talk in the Blessed One's presence."
"In that case, venerable ones, go to the hermitage of Rammaka the brahman.
Perhaps you will get to hear a Dhamma talk in the Blessed One's presence."
"As you say, friend," the monks replied to Ven. Ananda and left.
Then the Blessed One, having gone for alms, after his meal, on returning from his alms round, said to Ven.
Ananda, "Ananda, let's go to the Eastern Park, the palace of Migara's mother, for the day's abiding."
"As you say, lord," Ven. Ananda replied to the B